Con with the Wind Web Site



Events Listed

Draft Programme


Animé presentations

Babes and Hunks

BodyFX at the Con

Business Meeting 4 Agenda

Charity Auction

Fan Fiction

FFANZ Auction list

Mage Knight Tournament

This Pointless Thing Called Life

Win a bbq at The Meekest Link

Business Meeting Agenda

Click here for WORD version.

Monday 10am - 11am

Business session 4 agenda for...
National Science Fiction Convention business session (Con With The Wind edition)

If SFFANZ is approved at session 3

  • Meeting convened.
  • Motion to be put:

    That the New Zealand National Science Fiction Convention (Natcon) business session pass its current and future right to allocate the right to run the New Zealand National Science Fiction Convention to the Science Fiction and Fantasy Association of New Zealand (SFFANZ,)with the following conditions.

    1. That SFFANZ maintains the traditional voting rights of Natcon members in the allocation of future convention rights.
    2. That the Natcon business session retains the right to regain the above allocation rights should SFFANZ be unable to perform this function.
IF motion is passed then
  • Other business
  • Meeting closed
IF SFFANZ not approved OR above motion not passed then
  • Report from Emoticon
  • Bidding for 2004 convention
  • Advance notification of future convention bids
  • Other business
  • Meeting closed


This Web Site is brought to you with the compliments of the Con With the Wind Convention Committee.