Con with the Wind Web Site


Links from Ross

Here are some links to other Convention and SF related stuff...
Phoenix Science Fiction Society - Wellington SF Society
Stella Nova - Auckland SF Society
OdysseyCon - The 2001 NZ Natcon
Convergence 2002 - The 2002 Aussie Natcon
Armageddon Pulp Culture Expo - Wellington, September 2001
Science Fiction events in New Zealand - Martin Kealy's New Zealand fandom page
The Fan History Project - A major fan site
SFF Net - Another large fandom site
World Science Fiction Society - The Worldcon page
The Triffid's Beard - Writings by Alan Robson
Three Monkeys - Ten Minutes - Writings by Ross Temple
Excite SF information - Lists lots of professional & fan sites plus chat areas
Mark V Ziesing Books - The best genre bookseller on the web or anywhere else for that matter.



Guest news


50 years ago

This Web Site is brought to you with the compliments of the Con With the Wind Convention Committee.