Links from Ross
Here are some links to other Convention and SF related stuff...
Phoenix Science Fiction Society - Wellington SF Society
Stella Nova - Auckland SF Society
OdysseyCon - The 2001 NZ Natcon
Convergence 2002 - The 2002 Aussie Natcon
Armageddon Pulp Culture Expo - Wellington, September 2001
Science Fiction events in New Zealand - Martin Kealy's New Zealand fandom page
The Fan History Project - A major fan site
SFF Net - Another large fandom site
World Science Fiction Society - The Worldcon page
The Triffid's Beard - Writings by Alan Robson
Three Monkeys - Ten Minutes - Writings by Ross Temple
Excite SF information
- Lists lots of professional & fan sites plus chat areas
Mark V Ziesing Books
- The best genre bookseller on the web or anywhere else for that matter.