Con with the Wind Web Site

Sir Julius Vogel Awards


The Sir Julius Vogel Awards recognise excellence in Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror by New Zealanders.

This year the awards will be administered by SFFANZ, the National Body for Science Fiction in New Zealand.
Click on this sentence to read more about SFFANZ.

Click here to read the rules used for this year's awards.

An important part of the awards is having works and people nominated in the categories.

Nominations close on March 31st 2002, so click here to get your nomination form.

Send your nominations to "Sir Julius Vogel Awards" c/- Con with the Wind, PO Box 11559, Manners Street, Wellington.

You can also send your nominations by email to

Click here for the Nomination form in Word 97 Format

Click here for the Nomination form in Word 2000 Format





Nomination form

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